WTF that sucks kinda liked this web site any suggestions for a replacement??any sites anyone knows of?
WTF that sucks kinda liked this web site any suggestions for a replacement??any sites anyone knows of?
"Kisses*Hugs*Belly Rubs"
It's a website that allowed you to forum-link your gamertag/xbox ID, showing your achievement points, avatar pic, etc. Kind of like the PS3 trophy one that a couple of people sport. It was basically the first, and has been around for several years. Apparently it got too expensive.
Please do not contact me for recruiting issues or to add or create you a signature. I will ignore you.
I'm sure they do, I just don't know of any offhand. Most of the sites that use the system are more like based sites that allow you to use your tag and gamercard on their website.....kind of like the stuff we have underneath our avatar pic on this site....achievements, point bar, that stuff.
There's another site: for people who want to recreate one, and used MGC.