Hello and welcome to the US Military Gamers!
We are thrilled that you have interest in our community, and look forward to gaming with you!
We have a short application process, so please read on below to understand and complete the REQUIRED INFORMATION so that we can get you quickly admitted into our community.
A completed application submitted via our application form IS A REQUIREMENT for admittance to the US Military Gamers community. Incomplete/missing information will only delay the recruitment process. Take your time, show us who you are and why you'd like to be here, while doing it right the first time. There are no wrong answers, so be honest.
MULTI-CLAN MEMBERSHIP - We no longer restrict based on multi-clan membership. We look forward to and welcome any opportunity to network with members of other clans/communities/groups.
PROBATE PERIOD - Upon acceptance into the USMG community every applicant is mandated a 30 day probationary period to insure both the applicant and community are good fit for each other.. At anytime during the probationary period, any deviation from our Rules of Conduct will result in immediate revocation of membership, and removal from our community. (MORAL - It is generally not wise or permissible to come into a new community of people you do not know and make an ass of yourself, without first getting to know the locals.)
Thank you for your interest in US Military Gamers and we look forward to reading your application!
USMG Staff
- Create an account on this website by using the register option found at the top of the page.
- Click the link in BIG letters below which says: "APPLY HERE" (Fill in all required information, click submit. The form will be published to the Applications forum.)
- Once submitted, a member of the Recruiting Staff will contact you for approval.
- Once your application has been approved, a new Introductions forum will become visible to you, please post an introduction in the Introductions forum
PLEASE NOTE: Registering for the Forums DOES NOT constitute applying for membership. All applications are screened, and all applicants are contacted to verify his/her application.
FINALLY: If you have any questions or trouble during any of the application process, you can PM any member of the Staff, or post in the USMG Support forum.
(Posting a thread in the Application forum, without using the above link, will place your application in the moderation queue. Don't be "THAT GUY")