Known as the "Dirtiest Girl in Porn" Belladonna is known for her wide array of porn shoots ranging from the soft and sexual to the downright hardest of hardcore. What many don't know is that when she's away from the set, she loves playing games. Belladonna took some time out to talk about her love for gaming. Here's an excerpt of that interview.
O.G.: What are some of your earlier video game memories?
Belladonna: It was Super Mario Bros. on the NES. I had a lot of brothers and sisters so we would fight over it because you could only play one at a time. I love that game and I still love it today. When I was about 13 years old, I would play Tekken. I love fighting and that was one of my favorite things growing up.
O.G.: What are games are you playing a lot of now?
Belladonna: Right now I love Super Mario Bros. Wii. I play that pretty much every day. Before that I would play a lot of World of Warcraft.
O.G.: Let’s talk about you and World of Warcraft, how long have you been playing it?
Belladonna: Well I started out playing Final Fantasy XI, and when WoW came out, my guy got into it so I would just watch. About a year and a half or two years ago, I got my own character and started playing off and on for about a month. This past Christmas is when I would play everyday, all day long.
O.G.: With WoW, there are people that have called in sick or quit their jobs to pay the game, have you had those moments where you need to be at a shoot, but you’re there are your computer still trying to level up?
Belladonna: You know, the good thing is that since I don’t work for anyone else, I’m my own boss and I schedule everything. I know that I can push things back a little or switch things around so when I do let myself go and play World of Warcraft for two weeks, I’m ok. It does kind of slow you down. Usually, I’ll get things done and get ahead of myself, but sometimes it’s fun to just let yourself go and play video games all day long.
O.G.: It came out sometime ago that there was a whole guild of porn stars on WoW, have you ever been on a shoot or set where you and other people start talking about WoW?
Belladonna: Well yeah, on my set, because I only shoot for myself. My partner and I are big gamers and we talk about it a lot. On twitter too, there will be times when I talk about a game for a couple of weeks. Yeah we talk about games quite a bit behind the scenes on a lot of my movies.
O.G.: You mentioned Final Fantasy XI, and I know for me it was a total timesink and would take forever to do anything.
Belladonna: I know, we would sit there forever trying to find a party, and I would get frustrated cause I don’t know the game as much as my guy does. I just like to play.
O.G.: Yeah it’s annoying waiting for a group. You just want to go and kick some ass.
Belladonna: I love Final Fantasy and I’m looking forward to Final Fantasy XIV so much. I like World of Warcraft, but the visuals are so much more realistic in Final Fantasy than WoW. Even though I like them both.
O.G.: With the Final Fantasys, was it just FF XI that you played or have you played more of them?
Belladonna: I’ve only played FF XI. I was introduced to it because my guy would play that game all the time. First I was pissed that he would be sitting there playing the game, and then when I finally played it, I realized why and I got trapped by it.
O.G.: Any other notable porn stars that play WoW?
Belladonna: Mia Rose is a hardcore WoW player that I know of. Also Charlotte Vale was in my guild on WoW.
O.G.: Wow, Belladonna has her own guild.
Belladonna: Yeah it’s Deadly Nightshade on The Scryers Realm. If I ever stop making porn, I’ll be on there more.
O.G.: I wanted to get your opinion on a site that just came up a couple of weeks ago. It’s called and it’s a service where guy pay money for women to play videogames with them.
Belladonna: No way! That’s so awesome!
O.G.: Yeah and it’s looking to be pretty big, but it’s surprises me that guy don’t just go to other adult cam sites and watch a girl on there.
Belladonna: I totally get what you’re saying, but at the same time, that is so awesome. I don’t know, maybe I should quit porn and do that. So they get paid for it?
O.G.: Oh yeah, women sign up and get paid. Guys look through the pictures and pick who they want. It’s just like those adult cam sites.
Belladonna: Wow, you might see me star on my own cam soon.
O.G.: Have you ever thought about doing some videos where you did a little dress-up like a game character something along those lines?
Belladonna: I’ve actually talked about It with my guy before. I’d love to dress up as my Priest on World of Warcraft and do a scene like that. I remember I shot a scene with Kimberly Kane where we were both playing the Wii, and we were supposed to be nerd girls then yeah, the sex started to happen. I’ve been thinking about it before, but now I’m really interested in it. Maybe tell people that I’m playing this game at this time so people can get on.
O.G.: Jenna Jameson and Tera Patrick have appeared in games. Would you be interested to do that if you were asked?
Belladonna: Hell yeah. I’m so surprised that someone hasn’t approached me yet. Here’s the thing, with Tera Patrick and Jenna Jameson, they have a huge group of people that market them while I do it on my own without a huge crew.