so what you're ahhh telling me ahhhh is ahhhh it's ummm about ahhhhh 7 ahhhh miles ummmmmmm across at it's ahhhhhhhh from ummmmm shore to shore ahhhh at it's ahhhh shortest point and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 12 miles ummmmmm at the ahhhhh the the longest ahhhhhhhhhh location ahhhhhhhh and ummmmmm that being said, it's ahhhhhh 12 miles long at ahhhhhh the widest ahhhhh section of the island and ahhhhh 7 ahhhhh miles at the ummmmmmm skinniest ahhhh portion of the island, so because of that ahhhhh the island should ahhhhh be about 7 miles ahhhhhhh at the most ummmmm narrow part of the island and ahhhhhh about ahhh 12 miles at the ummmmmm at the ahhhh biggest ummmmm area across of the island.
am i getting that right?
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
roflcoptrzgopewpewpewp :shock:
He needs to be the next president, that's a smart dude right there.
Please do not contact me for recruiting issues or to add or create you a signature. I will ignore you.
I guess islands float like boats. We should listen to that guy. Maybe he knows something we don't! lolz
Haha, what an idiot... these are the people in charge.. it makes me sick.