Is anyone playing this title I'm about half way through and the games fun . Better co-op .
Is anyone playing this title I'm about half way through and the games fun . Better co-op .
I played the demo and it seemed pretty cool. Perhaps i'll try renting first, MAG is going to take up a lot of play time
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
I actually loved 1 and I have been eager for 2. I will have to look into it
Signature thanks to jgreco138
so I finally broke down and bought army of two 40th day... and I have to say that the game is pretty damn good. I know, I know, you're thinking " what!!!!!!!!" But it's true!!!! the weapon mod system is actually outstanding, the AI is better than some people that I've played with and the co-op is straight up the best... even with the AI. Also the custom mask feature is another neat added element, that allows you to make your own masks to giving you a distinct look in game play .
the story follows the die hard expected form.... but really who cares!!!! die hard rocks!!!!!! this is just another example of gamespot, giving a game a bad wrap due to it's slanted reviews. the scene where they're in a zoo in Hong Kong and how it reminds them about Rios humping a panda when he was in manila during his ranger day's is hilarious. who wouldn't like this game, it's got it all... great mechanics, good graphics, a tons O guns, a fantastic buddy element and panda love. oooooohhhhhhhh yyyyyyyyeeeeaaaaahhhhh baby. " hey somebody got to keep the species going"- Rios hump that panda big boi, hump it good.
multi is glitchy as a mofo and needs a lot of work, seems like they didn't even put it through a beta. I mean it's bad really BAD, lag switches out the ass and major aiming issues. so if you bought this for the multi you are sorely out of luck. but if you bought this game let's face it... you didn't buy it for the multi.