As some of you may know I got GOW III for winning MotM. I will be passing this game around to other fellow USMG when I'm finished playing through it. First person to get it will be River_Rat_459. So if anyone else that wants to get to play it and does not own it, please post below. All I ask is you try to finish it in a timely manner if you recieve it so others may enjoy it before they grow old or the PS3 becomes last gen(2 weeks/person sound good?), be very careful in handling the contents of the game so not to damage anything, you pay for the shipping to the next person in line, and the last person in line returns it to me when done.
Anyone who does not follow those simple rules or any obvious ones not mentioned, will make my black list and I will not trade, sell, or lend anymore games to them ever. :twisted:
List to borrow:
Updated 04-05-10
1. River_Rat_459
2. dbgUSMC
3. saviger_