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Thread: Spawn Camping

  1. #1
    USMG Member
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    Post Spawn Camping

    I know some people find it alright to spawn camp when your beating a team horrible in a match but that does not bring the integrity that usmg is looking for. I know it is aloud in BFBC2 but it is still not right. We should not stoop to their level. Why dont we beat them fairly and show that we are truely better at this game then the cheaters. Thats my two cents others chime in???

  2. #2
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    Re: Spawn Camping

    to an extent i agree with you, however i look at it in this sense "to close with and destroy the enemy by fire and manuever, and to repel the enemy counter attack by fire and close combat." in short, if i can push you to your spawn whats the difference inbetween pushing them to there spawn and killing them in there spawn they spawn in random points through there spawn, a little organization should prevent them from being over run, spawn camping can be cheap, but when the enemy is PUSHED back to there spawn i see a litlle bit of a difrence, ecpecialy since on man with a LMG could potentialy kill all those spawn camping if he was smart. just my take, also depends on the game type

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: Spawn Camping

    The spawning is not random and I have seen people that know where the spawns in the bases are and sit there hiding, camping, and picking the other team off before they can even take the first step. If you play like that then you have no skill. You are no better than the ones that try to find glitches, use lag, or hack games just to win or raise KDR and not sportsmanship of the game. Someone told me there is no sportsmanship in these games, If you feel that way too then I have little respect for you and I bet you cheated at monopoly and other games when a kid also . Float I think you are right that doesn't show the integrity that USMG should stand for if members are doing that. Just my opinion.

    Someone told me once if they knew they could rob a bank and get away with it they would do it in a heartbeat. I lost all respect for that person because that just means if they would do something like that if they could what other things are they doing or have done that they can get away with. Not someone I want as a friend. Is morals and integrity in our society lost?

  4. #4
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    Re: Spawn Camping

    Ok, this is my area of expertise, sort of speak...1st I want to say everyone has a point.....however I have played with Cajun and he has heard me say this. I dont Believe the words SPAWN CAMPING exist when you are playing a game that simulates war. This is my point; You purposely call the Sniper Class; Recon........Now if you can sneak around Enemy lines and spot them as they leave their base, and or take out a Tanker or Pilot which the proper term would be Prevention, well by all means prevent. Also if we are playing conquest and we have all the Flags, well its not my fault that your team can't repel our attacks, and you have found yourself up Shyt Creek without a paddle. The Object in war is to repel the opposing teams attacks.It's in a way like football..It's all about Field Position. Now in Rush mode I think the Best Defense is good Offense, why sit at A & B and wait for them? Attack them head on and PREVENT them from advancing onto A & B. Now dont get me wrong, if your team doesn't have all the flags in Conquest and some guy is in their spawn just waiting for them to spawn and kill them, thats a bit Lame........also if it's Rush mode and you are just waiting for a whole team to pass by and then just killing from their base, that too is a bit lame. I understand the Integrity in which we as USMG play with, and I exhibit it on a daily basis. However I am Damn good at FPS, and a lot of you guys are too. I have played with plenty of Random people who were not USMG and we have failed terribly it sucks not playing with you guys...Horrible experience, I cry at ask yourself this, are we spawn campers, I say no........I say USMG is just so dominate when we play together, that we cant help but dominate our opponents.........that just my opinion, but I dare anyone to Beg to Differ.....
    Not only am I a member, I am also the President of the stop Freaking Complaining about everything in the game that can kill you, Just because you Suck Club!!!

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Re: Spawn Camping

    well rookie you said what i wanted to say ignore my post read rookies cus i agree one hundred percent with him and he said it wayyyyyy better than i did

  6. #6
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Spawn Camping

    Agree with Rookie. Spawn Camping = Bad... Pushing forces back to spawn = Good skills... Plus BC2 tries to eliminate camping by being able to spawn on a team mate. Now, if you play hardcore, and just sit in their base, big no-no on your part. But if you manage to push them all back, then by all means, you deserve not to sit back and watch others pick them off, you did your part, now help them pick some off. Plus, the shitty players end up leaving, and make room for better ones as a way of evening it out. And as everyone knows, I hate snipers, only cause I can't do it myself probably. Therefore, I think sniping is wrong. LOLz j/k

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