I got a couple of faves out of those, like this one:
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
That is a good one. But I'm partial to this one. Anon + internet memes = LoL.
Please do not contact me for recruiting issues or to add or create you a signature. I will ignore you.
Lol i love the pepsi one.
Silent But Deadly!
WTF is that crystal pepsi thing?
on a more serious note, I have been doing some research on the subject.
The occupy wall street protest have been organised by the PSL (Party or Socialism and Liberation http://pslweb.org/). They carry the usual signs but some other saying "Capitalism is a cancer"
and the "Whole System needs to go", and my favorite "Only a violent revolution will solve our problem"
So basically its the 60's and 70's all over again.
What do you prefer? Govt controlled mediocrity? or the chance to excel without government intrusion.
Except the chance to excel without government intrusion isn't real. The fact is, not everybody can be successful in capitalism. In fact, capitalism inherently thrives on wage disparity. Unregulated capitalism is one of the main reasons that the middle class is vanishing and wealth is being consolidated in the upper 1%. Personally, I'm not a socialist. I believe in regulated capitalism to encourage healthy well-rounded growth, with a few programs borrowed from socialism to act as a safety net.
"I've never had a conversation with a dead guy before. Forgive me if I don't know the rules."
"I've never had a conversation with a dead guy before. Forgive me if I don't know the rules."
I consider myself a gun toting liberal left of center.
Indecision may or may not be my problem.