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  1. #1
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    Apocalypse Now Game...Now?!

    Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 Vietnam War epic Apocalypse Now could very well be getting a video game. Oh dear.

    Earlier this January, Killspace Entertainment, a new developer with designers from an array of studios like Pandemic, Obsidian and EALA, licensed web domains and

    The studio is currently working on an original title as well as a licensed game. Could that licensed title be an Apocalypse Now video game?

    Based on the Conrad novella Heart of Darkness, Coppola's film was a troubled production from the start. Star Harvey Keitel ended up getting replaced by Martin Sheen, who suffered a heart attack during filming. An overweight Marlon Brando showed up, and brought filming to a halt. Coppola faced writer's block and didn't know how to end the picture.

    Apocalypse Now took top prize at the Cannes Film Festival, but Coppola (and his films) were never quite the same. (Yes, the man who made this film also make Jack.)

    Ultimately, the film's mythos and production troubles end overshadowing the film itself. This is not necessarily a bad thing! And the documentary on the film's making Hearts of Darkness is compelling viewing and actually makes you appreciate the power and impact of the final film so much more.

    But if Killspace Entertainment is actually making an Apocalypse Now video game, attempting to replicate the moody performances, Vittorio Storaro's gorgeous cinematography, John Milius' hard-nosed one-liners and Francis Ford Coppola's passion and energy, well, good luck with that. And if it has nothing to do with the Coppola film, perhaps a title change is in order?

    I really hope Vietnam is the next WW2 for video games.

  2. #2
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
    River_Rat_459's Avatar
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    Re: Apocalypse Now Game...Now?!

    Very curious. Apocalypse Now is one of my favorite movies. I'd be very interested in seeing if/how this translates into a game.

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

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