I'm sorry but I've been playing this game since the beta started back in august and in all honesty I really don't like the game. I only got it to because the clan was getting it and to pass the time. I don't care what they say, this is not a very good team based game. They shove you with randoms besides the 8 you're allowed to group up with. Most of those randoms are complete assholes and idiots that they expect you to coordinate with,
what a joke. If it was a true team based game then you should be allowed to be able to have 128 friends in your group join with you in the same match or at least have the ability to group squads together with the same communications as in game to coordinate in the lobby.
As far as me personally switching to another faction it was to help the other clanmates out that wanted to switch to get the trophies so they weren't alone. It is not like they were not going back to Valor ever. Also if this clan is going to get all pissed off because of what I do with a
GAME I bought with my hard earned money then that is the day I walk away.