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Thread: Scuba Diving

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Ft. Campbell, KY

    Scuba Diving

    I have Signed up and paid for my open water certification and will be taking that over the next month so that I can go diving while I am on my Cruise this October . I was wondering if there was any one here that was also open water certified so I would know who I could ask for info

  2. #2
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Scuba Diving

    I got through Open Water, Advanced, and Wreck while I was in Oki, diving over 50 times, although that was in '04. I don't remember a whole lot (wouldn't dare go out without re-certifying), but I can help with whatever questions I can answer.
    Steam: raging_clue | Ragingclue#1192 | Origin: Ragingklu | PSN: Ragingklu
    My war story: One time at Al Asad they ran out of steak and crab legs before I got to the chow hall. Oh the horror. Then I hit the rack. The end.


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