got this in my e-mail inbox. ...
got this in my e-mail inbox. ...
Well we know where they are, we know they're there, and we know they're going to attack us, so I say BLOW IT UP!!!
i don't like how it says they were trying to air the video as a morale booster. How is that a morale booster?
"look at how bad ass we are, rolling in and 'taking over' the place"? did they just not mention the part where troops had already pulled out and there was nothing stopping them from going in there? It's about as much of a morale boost as making a video of them walking into the woods and finding a river to drink from. It was there for the taking, it's not like they "secured" the river from the vicious woodland animals in a very motivating and heroic battle
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
I think the morale boost came more from the "defeat" they acquired by "pushing" the americans out. They also claimed to get a bunch of ammo and fuel and a tactical advantage in the future for attacking. I agree its stupid, its like watching the taliban version of Fox news.
Hey, i feel compelled to remind you about my near death experience involving a wild Boar out in Germany. Woodland Creatures are the Devil's incarnate.Originally Posted by MaximusR3
HAHAHA hilarious. They said Taliban was present there. so Drop a couple 500 lbs bombs, send in a couple scout platoons to see what's left. easy! If anything it was a good and bad call by the marine general. Bad cause they left ammo, but good to concentrate forces, plus know exactly where a Taliban base is (cause they just left it LOL). Funniest part of the whole thing was seeing all those rat fucked MREs those damn Taliban raped. LOL
ah, i now feel complete, knowing where i can purchase Wonder Pet toys for mysel.....i and nephew....yeah
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
I agree with Sig and Xpox, it would've been friggin' sweet to lay into them with a nice A10 strike, some lovely carpet bombing, or better yet...they should've pulled a Al-Qaeda/Taliban fave and booby trapped the place.
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
I like this idea.Originally Posted by River_Rat_459