Does anyone have this game? Is it worth a shit? I am trading games with a buddy and this is one of the options I have to choose from.
Does anyone have this game? Is it worth a shit? I am trading games with a buddy and this is one of the options I have to choose from.
Signature thanks to jgreco138
Silent But Deadly!
That bad? I was interested too. That's what I get for opening my heart it just gets stomped on.Originally Posted by XxSILENTxFARTxX
Signature thanks to jgreco138
i remember playing the first one on PC a long time ago but never really got into it. I think the controls were a bit weird too so i never got used to it and sort of forgot about it
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
Eh its alright. If its on the cheap than ya pick it up its good expierience but if your a picky gamer than stay away. The story is well non existent lol
Silent But Deadly!