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  1. #1

    Tempted to pick this up until I read the forums here...

    My BX has a few copies of MAG left and almost picked it up today but wanted to see what you guys said about it.

    From what I read here, the game is rife with assholes and cheaters and moments of kick assery. I have to ask, is it really worth it? I like big scale games, but a lot of comments I'm seeing is like those I've seen about MW2.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Re: Tempted to pick this up until I read the forums here...

    It has its moments, overall I think its a great game. Rent it and try it out first. Look us up when your on. The team you're playing with at the time makes all the difference. Pick Valor when asked about PMC.

  3. #3
    USMG [Retired Staff] Member
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    Re: Tempted to pick this up until I read the forums here...

    I am with Crypt. Rent it first, but give it a good workout. At first, I didn't care for it, but after a couple days I was addicted. Your squad definitely makes all the difference. If you get on with us, we will make sure you get up to speed quickly. It really is a great game in terms of the teamwork involved. I can honestly say that the horrible asshole squads are far and few between.

  4. #4
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    Re: Tempted to pick this up until I read the forums here...

    When I first played it I didn't like it at all, but after getting used to it and earning some skill points to get better weapons I really liked it. It makes all the difference playing with a group of people like this clan who actually use their mics and work together as a team. It is worth buying especially if you can get a used copy for like $30-40, which I have seen quite a few of on craigslist.

  5. #5
    USMG Member tracker_usmc's Avatar
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    Re: Tempted to pick this up until I read the forums here...

    I really wasn't into online gaming until I played MAG. I agree with everyone else, rent it first and see what you think. As far as the PS MAG forums, I feel like you have to ignore a lot of it. Most of what I read on there is a bunch of cry babies and negative Nancy's. If they are not just owning everyone then something is wrong with the game because they are "GAMING GODS"! If you pay attention you will see that they are all complaining about MAG but they are ALL still playing MAG. Just my opinion!

  6. #6
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    Re: Tempted to pick this up until I read the forums here...

    Crypt, Ironhide, Karl, and Tracker all have good points and advice. This can be a great game if you're with the right squad. There are normally two, three, or even more of us playing at some point in time on any given day. Our clan is what makes this game enjoyable. Just make sure you have a mic...this game is all about communication.

    All in all, it's all about preference. I prefer this over MW2 personally.

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

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