Ummm ya, that's right, not a typo 1/2 BILLION $... And they should get it too!! Chk out the link
1/2 Billion $ Lawsuit
Anyone else think that's an absurd amount of $?
Ummm ya, that's right, not a typo 1/2 BILLION $... And they should get it too!! Chk out the link
1/2 Billion $ Lawsuit
Anyone else think that's an absurd amount of $?
On this side or the other, we will meet once again.
I'm guessing it means 1/2 billion total for everyone on the law suit. Not 1/2 billion each, lol. But as far as I can tell from that link this isn't the first time activision has pulled what they are being accused of, nor will it be the last time and that they keep losing employees over it. However in their defense people should actually read their contracts before signing them, and I bet everyone who isn't jumping on the band wagon actually did read their contract, or they just aren'y whiny little babbies. But even if Activision loses alot of people they still produce quality games and that will always draw in new idiots who will get paid what activision wants, and appearently when activision wants
That's freaking retarded! I want to sure someone now.
well, Activision will most defantly release MW3. But I dont see it being near the level of quality of 1 or 2, with the majority of the minds behind 1 and 2 leaving IW.
No offense but what level of quality? Glitchy? tons of exploits? When they patch one thing it is either a temporary one that doesn't last or it opens up another glitch or exploit. I still fail to see the appeal unless the appeal is people like these glitches and exploits because it's the only way they can play good? I think they do it on purpose because it does attract people to the game. If not then they are not very good at programming compared to most other devs out there. I think they have the record for games with the most exploits and cheaters. Sorry for the rant but when I buy IW games I feel cheated out of my money. That's why I will never buy anything from IW anymore or whatever they call themselves now since they left Activision. Online games are bad enough with cheaters out there but to make games that are even easier for them to cheat at is crap.Originally Posted by saviger
I like playing a game like it should be played, just like yesterday someone revived me in MAG after they TK me next to the "A" panel on SVER sabo and I ended up inside I could have sat there and armed it over and over while they are trying to figure out what's going on but I didn't I committed suicide. Hopefully they fix that glitch soon but at least the glitches in MAG are no where near as epic as MW games. I'll end it here before I go on about integrity in gaming and the internet overall or the lack of it that is. Which is another subject all together.
Cajun, I thought they were pretty good quality of the games minus a few glitches for online play. First I personally thought the single player was awesome!! The graphics are pretty damn good too. You also have spec ops part that you can play with one friend coop or by yourself. Aside from the few glitches I would still buy another MW if it was like 1 or 2, but hey that's just me...
The major glitches or the ones that I personally had an issue with was people holding the care package and running around a million miles an hour just knifing people. It was almost impossible to see them coming since they could run so much faster holding the care package. The other was the Javelin glitch which I was only killed by once. There were other people that had a big problem with that glitch and I think it was the Xboxers?
i think it's the fact that the game is so big, it has so many more players that other shooters that naturally it's going to have a lot more cheaters and glitchers too. I think most games come out with glitches but COD has far more glitchers looking for those exploits than other games so it seems like so much more in comparison.
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
You guys are probably right about it just seeming to be more glitchy because of the amount of people playing it and finding them. Could be why I notice them more. I personally have never enjoyed their multiplayer for MW. The single player is a different story, it's good.