I guess the Wii just became a bit more useful:
I guess the Wii just became a bit more useful:
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
I got it for my PS3, I have yet to try it out.,
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Ditto.Originally Posted by smoke
Indecision may or may not be my problem.
funny thing is the Wii is and always has been capable of playing DVDs, straight out of the box, nintendo just got lazy or cheap and decided not to bother obtaining the licences required to play dvd movies. They had originally planned on releasing an upgraded version that would allow dvd play but i guess it never happened. They claimed that it would take more than just a firmware update to allow DVDs to play yet there are several homebrew methods out there to allow all Wiis to play DVDs, without any hardware alterations.....I don't particularly enjoy when companies lie to us like that
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
Maximus I have officially decided that you are a KNOW IT ALL!! Not really a bad thing though.
As for Netflix on PS3, It is great and DBG they do put new movies on there just not all of them. Most of them are not BIG blockbusters, they are Independent and smaller name movies with some big actors/actresses. And they have a whole list of my favorite Genre B rated Horror Flicks.
Netflix on Wii = Weaksauce....
I think wii fit was such a hit, they just decided not to bother with anything else. Kinda short sighted really but then to cover it up, as if it was some DoD project was just lame.Originally Posted by MaximusR3