I think we've been in the wrong business....

From WorstPreviews.com
William Shatner Earned $600 Million for Priceline Ads
Posted: May 4th, 2010 by WorstPreviews.com Staff

William Shatner has turned out to be a financial genius. Toronto Sun is reporting that when the actor signed on to become the pitchman for the internet travel website Priceline in 1997, he decided to be paid with the company's shares instead of cash.

The stock plummeted to $1.80 during the dot-com crisis in 2,000, but is now trading close to $300. And although the company won't disclose how many shares Shatner received, sources are reporting that it's about 2 million. This means that over the years Shatner has been paid close to $600 million.

The company is more than happy with Shatner, whose personality driven ads for the website made it so popular. The quirky marketing campaign features Shatner karate chopping, dancing and negotiating down the prices for hotels rooms.

Source: Toronto Sun