A few people have asked where I got my screen name from so I figured it might be a thing to post.
First off I have made no secret about my inner geek, he is a big boy and very well fed and I let him run around quite a lot so he isn’t shy. *LOL*
As some of you know I am a HUGE Battlestar Galactica fan and that led me to join an online group called the Colonial Defense Force (CDF), anyway that fan club is organized in smaller regional groups as their own Battlestars. So of course I was the first kid on my block to start one. When we were looking for a name for the group we kept with the mythological underpinnings of the show and named our fictional Battlestar after Thor’s hammer “Mjolnir” [myawl-nir] . With me being the head of the group I became Mjolnir Actual. Since I am not a fan of _underscores_, I smashed the name together to make MjolnirAcutal. I’ve been using it for about the past 5 years now for just about everything including my PSN ID.
That’s my story and I’m stick’n to it *LOL*
Also in game rather than wrestle with Mjolnir I always answer to Actual and you guys can always just say “hey Dave” and I’ll know you are talking to me. *LOL*
Mjolnir Out!