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  1. #1
    King of the Road
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    GameBattles competitions

    here's the scoop on the results so far in the MAG tournys over at game battles thus far:
    Quote Originally Posted by MAG Blog
    Over the past two months, MLG GameBattles has hosted a pair of MAG tournaments dubbed “Become the Ultimate MAG Soldier” to find out who the best of the best really is. The first tournament, held in March, challenged 3,234 players to see who could get the most XP in a single month, while April’s competition dared 3,843 participants to get the most headshots in 30 days.

    So what happened?

    Well, in the XP Challenge, 1st place winner “IPI-_Gh0sT_-IGI” showed off some serious skills with over 900,000 experience points earned in a single month. An even more amazing number? 6000 – That’s how many kills Gh0sT chocked up in a single 48-hour period. That’s crazy! If anyone deserved the $1,500 Sony Style Gift Card and $50 worth of PlayStation Home virtual items Grand Prize, he did.

    But “Gh0sT” wasn’t the only top performer; players like “LuNiTuNz, xXFree, xOrganic,” and “EL_CAPITRUCHO” placed highly as well, and joined other Top 10 finishers for a grand total of 5.5 million experience points in a single month. Great work guys!

    The king of the MAG battlefield changed in April when “TheLastNinja-” earned his place as the world’s greatest MAG sharpshooter with more than 23,000 headshots! What’s most impressive, though, is just how capable players competing in this challenge really were – as the Top 25 players combined for more than 125,000 headshots with an additional 125 players scoring a minimum of 1000 cranium blasts each.

    May brings the final leg of the “Become the Ultimate MAG Soldier” challenge when it urges contestants to get the most kills before the month is through. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can do so at GameBattles’ website. Get the most kills when all is said and done, and you too can earn a chunk of the $5000 prize money.

    Good luck!
    there's some memorable names on that list lol. The first list is the names of people that have absolutely no life outside of MAG

    of those people, i have personally played in Ghost's squad a few times and hated every moment of it. One of the biggest complainers i have ever played with and an annoying voice to boot. He claimed he played 20 hours a day and sleep for 4 if i remember correctly.

    the other four top players i believe are all SVER, or at least they were when i saw them in-game.....hmm, interesting.......I know i have personally killed Lunitunz and Organic a few times and both started spouting tons of trash talk and whining. Organic loved camping the far right ridge on SVER's sabo with a shotgun and got ver upset if anyone made it past him and killed him from behind. Sucks that such poor sports are the crowned "top" players of this game

    as for the second leg of the contest, boy did i hate thelastninja during the beta. Always played as SVER, and always as a sniper. He was the first player i know of to find and start exploiting the any weapon 50cal glitch where you can trick the game into making any weapon fire the 1 hit quitter 50cal bullets so basically it's like firing a 50cal machine gun, except the game will always shows the sniper rifle icon when you get killed. Never heard if they fixed that glitch or not...almost every kill he got on me was from very close range so he was either quite skilled at no scoping or just got lucky. a lot.

    lol anyways, that's the end of my rant of jealousy for not being able to win money for playing MAG

    still one portion left of the contest though, so join up if you feel you are a killing machine

    Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS

  2. #2
    USMG Beer & Boob Judge
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    Re: GameBattles competitions

    Reminds me of the clown that went by Killionaire or some other nonsense on Killzone2. Everyone on the forums was more than certain he had two PS3's hooked up in his house and was simply having his buddies let him kill them over and over to rack up the points.

    Indecision may or may not be my problem.

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