I have an extra code, if anyone wants it, make me an offer.
I have an extra code, if anyone wants it, make me an offer.
Last edited by smoke; 07-19-2011 at 13:40.
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i'll give you a super sweet, unused SVER costume code for it :mrgreen:
oh and i'll throw in another 500
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
what you want for it?
I will give you 200 of my posts and I will throw in Maximus's SVER Code.
Why don'y you set up a dummy psn account give it to five people to use and 5 people will have downloaded it use unless it will only work for one ps3 only. Which Sony does limit some things.
that's actually a really good idea Cajun. I know that works for all the littlebigplanet codes, we should give it a try, only bad thing would be if it is restricted to only the user and not the PS3, then no one could use it lol. With the LBP ones, so long as it was downloaded by one user on a PS3, all users had access to it
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
With that being said I will use my SVER code and see if I can access it on my wifes account sometime today. I will let you guys know if it will work across multiple accounts on the same PS3.
It usually always works across multiple accounts on the same PS3. But downloadable content is usually connected to one account and allowed to be downloaded on the same account for up to 5 separate PS3s. On occasion Sony has blocked that and will only allow it to just one PS3. Hopefully not this time and you can make a dummy account and let 5 other people use the same dummy account but on 5 different PS3s.Originally Posted by Timmy_2_Tones
Hmm all these great offers. I don't know what to do. :roll:
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I'll have to make a dummy USMG account that i can share any preorder codes i get with you guys (well myself and 4 others lol)
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
I vote give it to.....me. No bullshitting with you. I won't give you jack for it besides my gratitude. I know how tempting the offer is now =)
*Throws a rock behind you to distract you and steals the code out of your hand*
I am going to create a dummy account for the same reason, Maximus. I will share with you if you share with me. 8-)
Makveth you better give that back or I will..... uhmmm.... Break you controllers.
*steals Makveth's Controllers*
Ok so i tested it out and while the dummy account will work for other things i'm sure, in the case of MAG preorder codes it does not. They made it to where it is limited to a single user by instead of it being a file you download from the network, it activates a service and is stored under your services list. even if you tried to share and download again, there is nothing to download.
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS
Thanks Max was going to try it when I got home from work but you saved me the trouble. Oh well real men don't need armor right? lol
I was reading the back of the pre-order card and it states that you can use it on u to 5 systems on 1 user account. So I guess half of the plan works unless Max figures a way to get it on his regular account.
Looks as if they locked it to one account but on up to 5 PS3 systems. That doesn't help any of us at all. Most PSN DL content will cross to all accounts to bad this one won't.
I also saw that it said it could be downloaded up to 5 times but i don't see how that would be even possible because it does not show up in the downloads list; it's not actually downloaded, the code just activates the subscription service to the single PSN account. Anywhere you go, so long as you sign into your account, that service list follows you. So unfortunately there is no way to share this one. It's ok though, after having a look at the armor on the dummy account i see that i wouldn't use it anyways.
It is in it's own class, between medium and heavy armor and costs 800c to equip. That alone is what would make me not use it because i have no room in my loadouts. It does seem pretty cool if one did have the room for it. It affects your mobility as medium armor would but provides the protection of heavy armor. Also, the special camo pattern that comes with it is IMO a bit lame and looks like the banana camo from MGS3 but you can wear any camo patterns that you have unlocked thus far with it.
Gaming is staying up 'til 3am to earn a trophy that isn't real.......BUT IS