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According to recent reports, a man employed by the Saudi Arabian affiliate of Microsoft recently revealed an October worldwide release of Project Natal during an television interview.
As reported by The Examiner, the release month for Microsoft's Project Natal may have been inadvertently leaked by Syed Bilal Tariq, a vendor employed by Microsoft's Saudi Arabian subsidiary. In an interview with Saudi TV Channel 2, Tariq spoke of an October release date for the device and also confirmed a concurrent world wide release for Microsoft’s entry in the motion based controller market.
While no other details such as price and software bundles exist, the October release does align with Microsoft's previous announcement of a holiday-due Natal. While the timing and YouTube removal of his Natal discussion seem to add credence to his discussion, G4TV cites Tariq's tenuous ties with Microsoft and previously-unproven comments as reasons to doubt his declaration. More details about Natal, as well as Microsoft's upcoming software library, will be revealed at E3 2010.